
Our Security Services

With a deep well of knowledge and a wealth of experience, we offer a range of services designed to address your specific needs.

Our Services

Our services encompass a comprehensive assessment of your security needs, collaborative strategy development, and ongoing guidance and support, ensuring your cybersecurity journey aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.

Cybersecurity Maturity Assesment & Strategy Planning.

To deal with majority of cyber attacks, there is a defense in depth strategy based on “The 80:20 PRINCIPLE”. The trick is, “with 20% of basic hygiene and smartly implemented controls, you can possibly deal with 80% of the attacks”. We take a careful approach to evaluate your organization’s processes, security posture and will guide to build a customized cybersecurity strategy based on the four pillars below

  • Assess your current security posture
  • Take a strategic risk-based approach
  • Review, communicate, and manage your information security programs
  • Ensure your investments and resources are optimized
  • Increase compliance, governance and information security management
CISO as a Service

Our team of experts have combined more than 15 years of experience acting as CISO’s for multinationl Banks and Financial Institution. We understand risk and can help you to quantify that risk to protect
you services and data. Wether you want to implement “defense in depth” or want to take a “Zero Trust Approach” our team can help you.

Cybersecurity Project Management

Cybersecurity Projects are complex, require qualified personnel with technical expertise. Our experts can help you with building the right team and deliver the project on time and on budget.

Business Continuity Planning/ISO 22301

Our team of experts can analyze your business processes, conduct a Business Impact Analysis and help you prepare a Business Continuity Strategy.

ISO 27001 Implementation

Our team of experts can help you implement ISO 27001 Standard in the most efficient and cost effective way.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

Our team of experts can help you implement NIST Cybersecurity Framework to manage & reduce risks in your business.

Risk Analysis & Risk Management

Our team of experts and conduct a comprehensive Risk Analysis to help your senior leaders to assess all cyber risks & identify, prioritize, & mitigate them with controlled measures.

Policy and Procedure Writing (ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, NIST)

Our team of experts can help you prepare all the documentation set of policies and procedures to be compliant with most of the Information Security Standard available.

Information Security Awareness

We can provide training to your employees on the latest trends and techniques used by hackers in their “fishing” attacks. We can combine this training with a Phishing Simulation Exercise to enforce the knowledge of your employees.

Vulnerability Scanning

Find your vulnerabilities before an attacker does. By using our vulnerability scanning services we will look for basic potential vulnerabilities in your internet exposed services or your internal network.

Infrastructure Security Testing

By combining external and internal infrastructure testing, you can assess your vulnerabilities and the impacts an attack may have on your business.

Web Application Security Testing

Our team of experts performs automated and manual scans and goes beyond the OWASP TOP 10 in our testing. With our services rest assured your application is safe.

iOS & Android Mobile Application Security Testing

Our team of experts can conduct iOS & Android Mobile application security testing, conduct static and dynamic analysis to identify vulnerabilities in your app.

Hardening Guide Preparation

Wether you are trying to be compliant with a standard or simply harden your devices, our team can help you with not only providing hardening guides but implementin them as well.

Physical Security Planning

We can help you protect your data center or your High Security Area to be compliant with some of the roughest standard in Physical Security. We have extended experience with building areas to be
compliant with PCI Card Production Physical Security Requirements.

Phishing Simulation Campaigns

Our team of experts can help you foster a security mindset in your employees which is the “weakest link” in the chain of security. Our phishing campaigns are well crafted and

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